Sprucewood Studios
Fine Photography by Charles Michael
Charles Michael
Photographer, President

I caught the photography bug well into my 20's when I inherited my grandfathers Minolta and lenses. Forcing myself to focus using 35mm made me stop to consider each shot that I took. I did have some early point-and-shoots for ease of use and for when I was deployed in the military, but even then I took my time to look for the right situations where a good shot would be found. I've lived all over the United States and around the world, honing my skills and collecting visual memories. I ended up in Alaska in 2011 for my work in the US Coast Guard and decided to stay when my service ended. Here I've found some of the most beautiful territory I've ever seen, so I decided to make it my home. Now, I want to share not the common, easily accessible parts but the uncommon and rugged portions that few if any ever get to experience.